Channel Cruises docked in Amsterdam North / by Joris van Gelder

From the 1st of October 2018 Channel Cruises is a new tenant at the Hamerkop site in Amsterdam Noord.

Channel Cruises will use the 1.300 m² building as their new head office and base for its various business units including Boat Bike Tours, Euro Sail Travel and Channel Cruises.

The Hamerkop site where Sissy Boy, Skatepark North, FC Hyena, Hotel de Goudfazant, Monk and Hangar are located is one of the most dynamic and creative locations in Amsterdam. Because of its location next to the IJ river, the location fits perfectly with Channel Cruises.

Channel Cruises Holland has been active since 1977 in mediating for sailing holidays for groups on motor vessels, sailboats and traditional sailing vessels on all waterways throughout Europe. Boat Bike Tours offers fully catered bike boating holidays in the Netherlands and Flanders and many other countries in Europe.

Estadium Beheer has been managing the Hamerkop site since the purchase a few years ago, on behalf of the institutional owner. On behalf of the owner, Estadium has let the building on the Aambeeldstraat 20 to Channel Cruises.
